Jesus once asked His disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" (Mark 8:29). Our worship flows out of how we each answer this question. Who do you say Jesus is? When we recognize Him as our Lord and Savior our life and worship will be a reflection of His love. Here at Indian Lake we seek to create a culture of identifying Christ as Lord and Savior. We begin with how we worship Him. Our worship service from beginning to end should be an outward reflection of an inward love. We desire for our worship service to lift HIGH our God. Jesus tells us in John 12:32 that "If I be lifted high I shall draw all men unto myself." God does the drawing as we do the lifting HIGH His name. Below is some information that will help you know a little more about how we try to lift HIGH our God.
Worship Times
Sunday Morning
10:30 am
Casual Dress for all ages!
We also offer a children's church for children 5yrs old - 5th grade except on the 5th Sunday where we worship together as a whole family!
Wednesday Evening
We are busy around here on Wednesday Nights! We have a church family mid-week dinner that begins at 5:15 - 6:00 (by advance reservation $7 for adults/ kids & Youth free) followed by youth/children's classes and adult bible study
6:00 pm