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Indian Lake Baptist Church
Pastor's Pen 
Thursday, April 02 2015

Every day we should set out the day with our focus completely fixed upon Jesus; apart from Him we can do nothing! As we approach Easter Sunday it is my prayer that we prepare ourselves for worship. Let Easter be a day of reminder, let it be a day of rejoicing, let it be a day of total surrender as it is a day of remembrance that Christ not only died on the cross as He took upon Himself all our sins but that on the third day He arose again and He now sits at the right hand of Father God and intercedes on our behalf (Prays for us continually) as the victor over sin and death! I pray these simple devotions will light your path to a closer walk with the Lord.

God bless!

Jesus Stayed on the Cross

He saves others but He cannot save Himself. He is the King of Israel; let Him come down from the cross, and we will believe in Him.

Matthew 27:42

As Christ hung on the cross the religious leaders came by mocking Him for the things that He had said and done in His time on earth. We must remember these are the same men that saw Christ do miracle after miracle. He healed the lame and gave sight to the blind. He performed so many miracles it is said that if they were to write them all down there would not be enough room in any library in the world that could hold them. Yet, with all these signs the religious leaders tell Him that they will believe if He will just get Himself off the cross. They only said this because they knew He was not coming off the cross. The problem is they believed He could not come down but the reality is He would not come down.

Do you believe even for a second that those religious leaders would have bowed before Christ if He came down off the cross? Too often in our lives we make the same type deals with Christ. We can see God work in all kinds of ways but in reality we draw the line a little further out. God if you will only do this for me I will believe in you and obey you. The reality is God draws the lines. We are a smaller part of a much bigger picture. As Christ hung on the cross, the religious leaders declared He could only be God if He took Himself down but what made Him God was His willingness to stay on the cross. Our belief and obedience should not be contingent on what God will do for us but what He has already done for us. He showed His love for us that while we were still His enemy He stayed on the cross. While our actions defy Christ at every turn He stayed on the cross! As we draw lines in the sand Christ stayed on the cross! I pray today that you will wipe away any line in the sand of belief and come to the foot of the cross that Jesus stayed on to take upon Himself the sins that were once yours to bear! Christ stayed on the cross to prove He was God so do not ask Him to come down to prove something to you. His proof is His willingness to stay on the cross!

Pray today to ask God to forgive you for your lack of faith based on a line in the sand you drew. Remember today that God draws the lines because He sees the bigger picture. Be thankful today that God has allowed each one of us the measure of forgiveness we need and that through that forgiveness He calls us to be a part of His kingdom work; all because He was willing to stay on the cross!

Posted by: Chris Waddell AT 07:48 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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